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Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School

Hope | Believe | Achieve

Collective Worship

Our Christian Value this term is:



The Young Worship Leaders are demonstrating how they show TRUST in these photos that they took.



Use our community board to add your list of names to the question - "Who do you trust?"

Easter 2022

Unfortunately due to the pandemic we were unable to celebrate in St John's Church this year.

Instead we had a great message from Maggie Paddison who works for ACTs (Active Christianity in Thanet Schools) about the real meaning of EASTER.

All ABOUT EASTER - A resurrection rhyme, written by BOB HARTMAN and illustrated by MARK BEECH

The poem talks about the meaning of Easter and tells us that it is not about bunnies or chocolate!


The Young Worship Leaders were keen to find out what EASTER means to the pupils at HTSJ Church of England School and so they asked one another and the children.

This is what the children said:


" Jesus died on the cross to take away our sins"

"Jesus got put in a tomb"

"He raised from the tomb"








What does Easter mean to you?

" Jesus had a crown made from thorns"

"Jesus dies for us"

"Jesus died and Easter was created"

"Jesus was beaten really badly, he couldn't stand. Jesus died on the cross to save our sins"

"Jesus was forced to carry a cross"

"Jesus died to save us"


I wonder what this means for you?

To know more about the story of the first Easter we read from Matthew 26.

Christmas 2021 with the Young Worship Leaders

Our theme was the 2nd advent candle of PEACE

The angel Gabriel helped to give PEACE to Joseph when he explained that it was all a part of God's plan that he should marry Mary and that together they would raise God's son Jesus.

Joseph was then pleased to go ahead and do as God had asked him.


We also learnt about what the Bible teaches us about PEACE:

This Bible reading is taken from the New Testament from John chapter 14 verse 27


Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.

Remembrance 11 November 2021

Our year 6 pupils led the worship today with poems and prayers being shared.

We were very respectful when we remained silent and reflective for 2 mins. During this time we could here the canon being fired from Trinity Square.



This year we were delighted that we could go back to St John's Church for our Worship session this Harvest Time.


Our Harvest Festival at St John the Baptist Church October 21

THANK YOU for your generosity to the local foodbanks

Reverend Dawn had to make many trips in her new car to deliver all the food that had been collected by our school as well as another local school and the parishoners at St John's church

The Choir were commended by the parents and the governors when we asked our audience for feedback about what they enjoyed at our service.

The singing from all the pupils in the KS1 and the KS2 celebrations was the most popular part of each service.

What our supporters said!

We had lots of year 5 want to join Young Worship Leaders this year.

We started thinking about our School Christian Value - of Friendship and so took photos with our friends and made posters.
