“I know the plans I have for you says the Lord...plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29 v11

Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School

Hope | Believe | Achieve


Welcome to Kingfisher Class


Class Teacher - Mrs Hayes

Class TA - Mrs Lehan



General Information



PE day is a Wednesday for Year 4.


Water Bottles

Please provide your child with a named water bottle. This can be refilled through the day by class staff. Water only please.



You can provide a snack for your children for break time. Please make sure this is not in your child's lunchbox as they do not have access to these until lunch time.



Homework will be sent home on a Monday and needs to be returned the following Monday. Please encourage your children to practice their times tables and spellings.



Maths Overview for the Year


Accelerated Reader and MyON links


Please use the following links to access these websites at home.




Term 1


EnglishOur book this term was The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry. This inspired us to debate deforestation and write a persuasive letter to the woodcutter explaining why he should not cut the tree down and the effect this would have on the animals.


Maths: The children learnt about Place Value and Addition and Subtraction.



Term 2


English: This term the children focused on poetry using the book The Nest Full of Stars by James Berry.


Maths: The children have learnt about Area and Multiplication and Division.

Victorian Day (8th December 2023)


Today we have spent the day experiencing life during Victorian times. We have looked at what a Victorian school was like, writing out lines and doing drill (PE).


We have also looked at Victorian toys and games, making some for ourselves.

Term 3


English: Our book this term is The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Rauf. This book is about the refugee crisis from a child's point of view. It focuses on friendship and kindness. The children are really enjoying the story! We have been exploring character descriptions and creating our own information leaflets using this text.


Maths: We have been looking at number (multiplication and division) and measurement (length and perimeter).

DT Day: Adapting a Recipe (4th January 2024)


We spent the day evaluating existing biscuits before working in groups to make our own biscuits using a simple recipe. We then adapted the recipe, making sure the extra ingredients stayed within our budget and remade them. Both biscuits from each group were sent to Mrs. Long, who provided feedback on our adapted recipes. 


The children really enjoyed the day and we were so proud of how they behaved and worked together so well.

Term 3 newsletter

Term 4


English: This term have been looking at The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane by Kate DiCamello.


Maths: This term we have been learning about fractions and decimals.

DT Day: Electrical systems - Torches (26th February 2024)


We looked at electrical circuits, before making our own circuits in groups. We looked at the features of torches before designing our own. We then made the torch and evaluated how effective it was.

Making Wattle and Daub - History (1st March 2024)


For our history learning, we looked at how Anglo-Saxon houses were made. We weaved pipe cleaners between lolly sticks to act as the wattle (wood) and made a clay mixture by adding water (daub) to cover the wattle.

World Book Day (7th March 2024)


Year 4 were inspired by Ms McLean's book Animaltastic to create our own Animaltastic Alphabet! We researched animals in groups and created our own descriptions using alliteration. We created artwork for each animal and displayed these in books.

Anglo-Saxon Day (25th March 2024)



Term 4 Newsletter

Term 5


English: Our book this term is Arthur and the Golden Rope by Joe Todd-Stanton. This story links to our Project theme of Vikings.


Maths: Our learning blocks this term include Decimals, Time and Money. By Year 4, children should be confident in telling the time so they can access the Year 4 learning, which covers converting time.

Swimming: Kingfisher will be swimming this term.

DT Day - Structures (Pavilions) (23rd May 2024)

The children investigated and modelled frame structures to improve their stability. They then applied this research to design and create a stable, decorated pavilion.

Newsletter Term 5


Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) for Year 4


The MTC is statutory for all Year 4 pupils in England. The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether children can recall their times tables fluently (up to 12 x 12), which is essential for their future success in Mathematics.


Remember when practising Times Tables Rockstars at home, the magic number is 21 minutes per week. Once the children are confident with times tables up to 12 x 12, they can complete the Soundcheck.


The recommended schedule is:


Term 6


English: This term our Power of Reading book is The Rhythm of the Rain by Grahame Baker-Smith. Here is a bit about the book -


Isaac is playing by his favourite pool one day when it starts raining. Emptying his own jar of water into the pool, he races the stream down the mountainside, then observes how the streams join the river past his home and into a waterfall. The river, still containing Isaac’s pot of water, flows through the countryside and the city and into the ocean, where a whale rises and blows a fountain of water into the night, which rains back onto the sea.

And, in a country far away, the mist that has evaporated from the sea turns into rain and provides water for a thirsty girl to drink.


The book explores the global life cycle of water and weather, reminding children that small actions and experiences are always a vital part of the bigger picture; that we all belong to the world, as much as a drop of rain, a blue whale and the ocean itself.


Maths: When we come back in Term 6, the children will have their Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) from Tuesday 4th June until Friday 14th June. Please encourage your children to practice, following the TTRS schedule on this page. Thank you for your continued support with this.


This term, the children will be learning about Geometry. Our learning blocks will cover shape, statistics and position and direction.
