Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School
Hope | Believe | Achieve
Miss Wall - Class Teacher
Mr Lowdon and Mrs Musselwhite - TAs
contact: kestrel@htsj.school
A warm Welcome to the web page of Kestrel Class.
We are excited to be back in school and really looking forward to this coming academic year which will be jam packed with lots of exciting and engaging learning for our pupils.
A Few Admin Bits.
Our bubble drop-off and collection time is 8.40am and 3.05pm
PE will take place on a TUESDAY in terms 1 & 2. You need to send your child into school wearing their correct PE kit and prepared for outdoor PE - provided it isn't heavy with rain. In the event of rain, children will take their lesson in the school's gym.
HOMEWORK will be sent home as soon as we are able - please bear with us. Your child does have access to Times Table Rockstars online and individual logins and passwords have been sent home. Your child will have also brought home the year group spelling lists. Please work with your child to ensure they understand the meanings of these words and are able to put them into context. We will be keeping and eye out for them in their daily writing!
It is important that your child is READING at home too. Please try to encourage reading for a minimum of 15 minutes at least 4 times a week. We will be listening to the children read in school regularly, therefore please encourage them to read something of their own interest at home. Below you will find 50 texts recommended for year 5 readers which will be part of a wider school reading challenge soon - why not get a head start!!
Projects this Year
We will be learning about:
Stargazers - All things to do with the Solar System , Space Exploration, Constellations etc
Pharaohs - Ancient Egypt and the Tutankhamun
Farm, Sow and Grow - Plants, Crops, Farming and Food
Beast Creator - Animals and their Habitats, Minibeasts etc
Scream Machine - Roller Coasters and Forces
To accompany our projects, we will be using the following texts to support your child's learning:
Cosmic - Frank Cottrell-Boyce
Secrets of a Sun King - Emma Carroll
Charlotte's Web - E.B White
Whilst not compulsory to purchase, we do encourage the children to have their own copies of these, where possible, to enable them to complete their learning and homework more easily. All books are available via good book retailers and online.
Punctuality 100% 0 lates - Non-Uniform on Friday 18th September 2020
Attendance 98.5%
Punctuality, just one late this week
No attendance for us as we were below 97% as a class this week.
No Punctuality unfortunately.
Attendance 98.2% this week.
No punctuality again this week.
Attendance 98.5% this week.
Attendance 98.5%
Punctuality one late this week.
Sadly, no awards this week!
Below you will find samples of the work we are undertaking in our current Stargazers project.
Keep checking back for updates
Black History Day
On 1st October we were learning about Harriet Tubman for Black History Day (part of Black History Month).
The children were shown the illustrations to Henry Cole's picture book 'Unspoken' and were tasked to write the story of an Underground Railroad Conductor who helped Harriet Tubman to escape from slavery.
After some discussion and getting in role; the children were paired up and given one of the illustrations to write a section of the story - none of the children knew what was being written on the page before or after them and so we are extremely proud of how well we managed to write this story in our own words and make it link from picture to picture!!
You may spot a few tiny errors, but this is all the children's own work with very little prompting from the adults.
Term 5
We have had a busy end of term 4 and a super busy term 5.
We have been growing some cress, sunflowers, potatoes, peas, carrots, spring onions and strawberries in our Sow, Grow and Farm project. Whilst engaging in science Crest Awards with some super exciting investigations.
We have looked at, importation of food versus buying British and looking at and dissecting flowers to understand about pollination, growth and seed dispersal.