“I know the plans I have for you says the Lord...plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29 v11

Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School

Hope | Believe | Achieve


Welcome to Osprey Class 2022-23


Teacher - Mrs Bullard

Support Staff - Mrs Finch

Additional Adults - Miss Lane (PPA), Mr Williams (PPA)

Essential Information

Reading is essential to your child's continued development and so we encourage you to listen to your child read at least 4 times each week. Contact books are provided for you to jot down when you have spent time listening to and discussing the story with your child. One house point will be award each time your child reads, up to a maximum of 7 per week.


Homework will be given out on a Monday and should be completed and handed in by the following Monday. Your support with homework is greatly appreciated but do please let us know if there are any problems.

It is very important for your child to have a water bottle with them in school. Please make sure it is ONLY water that is being sent into school in a clearly labelled bottle (name and class number). A healthy snack for break time is also welcomed. 


Finally, the Year 5 PE day is Friday. Please send your child into school on this day in their PE kit. A sweatshirt may also be worn as the weather turns colder.

Maths sequence of learning

Power of Reading Texts


The Adventures of Odysseus - Hugh Lipton (term 1)

Shackleton's Journey - William Gill (term 2)

Dark Sky Park - Philip Gross - Poetry (term 2)

Corey's Rock -  Sita Brahmachari & Jane Ray (term 3)

Tales from the Caribbean - Trish Cooke (term 4)

Dark Sky Park - Philip Gross - Poetry continued (term 4 ) 

The Savage - David Almond (term 5)

The Suffragette - David Roberts (term 6)

Dark Sky Park - Philip Gross - Poetry continued (term 6)

Our Project Learning in Year 5 This Year


The Ancient Greeks and their Legacy (Terms 1 & 2) - Ancient Greece, Democracy, Olympics

Can you Feel the Force (Terms 3 & 4) - Forces and the solar system

Sowing the Seed (Terms 5 & 6) - Animals and their habitats - humans and life-cycles


We want the very best for your child and are always happy to hear from you. Please email:
