Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School
Hope | Believe | Achieve
Welcome to Robin Class!
Class teacher - Miss Davison
Teaching assistant - Miss Perry
Contact: robin@htsj.school
Our online reading record can be accessed here:
Here is the class page for Robin Class. We try our hardest and strive to be the best we can be. In Robin Class we try to make sure we are using our school values in everything we do. Our values are Friendship, Forgiveness, Compassion, Trust, Hope and Respect. We aim to develop children that are Independent, Curious, Resilient and Confident life-long learners.
On this page you will find the wonderful things we have been doing as well as important overviews and information to keep you informed throughout the year.
If you are unsure or need any support with your child's learning at home please catch me on the playground or on the class email; robin@htsj.school
General Information
Our bubble drop off time is 8:40-8:50 and pick up time is 3:05. Your child is expected to have their own water bottle in school each day so that they are able to keep hydrated. The water fountains are out of use at the moment.
PE - will take place on a FRIDAY. You need to send your child into school wearing their correct PE kit and prepared for outdoor PE - provided it isn't heavy with rain. In the event of rain, children will take their lesson in the school's gym. They should also wear their jumper and coat in colder weather.
HOMEWORK - will be sent home as soon as we are able - please bear with us. Your child does have access to Times Table Rockstars online and individual logins and passwords have been sent home. Your child will also receive weekly spellings to practice at home, they will be tested on these on Friday's. Please work with your child to ensure they are able to spell them correctly, understand the meanings of these words and are able to put them into context.
READING - It is really important that your child is reading at home in order to develop their love of reading. We expect children to read at least four times a week for a minimum of 15 minutes with an adult. This will help to develop their ability, fluency, expression and comprehension understanding.
Due to the current situation we are not sending reading contact books home, every day the children are asked if they have been reading and a tally is being kept. Your child will read to an adult once a week. It is also very important that you are asking your child questions when reading as this ensures they understand what they are reading.
In Year 3 we send spellings home on a Monday and test in school on a Friday. These spellings will come home on a small slip of paper. The spellings are based around spelling patterns and the Year 3 and 4 spelling list. There are many different ways to help your children learn their spellings including pyramid spellings and look, say, cover, write and check. Below is the Year 3 and 4 spelling list.
Below is our Maths coverage for Year 3, we follow White Rose Maths.
In project lessons we cover all of the foundation subjects and base it around a specific topic. Attached is the Year 3 project plan for the year. There is also some of the texts we will be reading in class. We use the Cornerstones scheme of work for our project lessons to ensure this allows us to deliver a broad, balanced and creative curriculum.