Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School
Hope | Believe | Achieve
Welcome to Reception!
At the bottom of this page, you will find lots of support and guidance for your children and their first year at school. If there is anything else you need help with, please feel free to speak to us at the end of the day, when all children have been dismissed or you are welcome to email us as well. Email addresses are below. Thank you!
Dragonfly Class
Class Teachers: Mrs Spickett and Mrs Hills
Reception TAs: Miss L Bull and Mrs. Slade
Cover Teachers: Mr Turner and Mr Williams (PE)
Woodland School is on Thursday. Please bring wellies or old shoes that are ok to get muddy. These can be left at school.
PE is on Wednesday. The PE kit is a PE t-shirt (house colour), black shorts or jogging bottoms/leggings and black plimsolls or trainers.
Please make sure your child comes to school in the correct school uniform, which you can find on below, thank you.
Please make sure your child only brings water in their bottle no squash please.
If you need to get in touch, we can be contacted at dragonfly@htsj.school or yearr@htsj.school
Ladybird Class
Class Teacher: Mrs Vanstone and Mrs Hills
Reception TAs: Miss Pochlya and Miss Carroll
Cover Teachers: Mr Turner and Mr Williams (PE)
Woodland School is on Thursday. Please bring wellies or old shoes that are ok to get muddy. These can be left at school.
PE is on Wednesday. The PE kit is a PE t-shirt (house colour), black shorts or jogging bottoms/leggings and black plimsolls or trainers.
Please make sure your child comes to school wearing the correct uniform, which you can find below, thank you.
Please make sure your child only brings water in their bottle no squash please.
If you need to get in touch, we can be contacted at ladybird@htsj.school or yearr@htsj.school
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