Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School
Hope | Believe | Achieve
Welcome to Hawk Class
Teacher: Mrs Green
Teaching assistant: Mrs Musslewhite
Teaching assisstant: Mr Bishop
We firmly believe that all children should be encouraged to follow the school values in our mission statement and that they become curious, independent, resilient and confident life-long learners.
Important reminders
PE for year 6 is on a Tuesday. Please send in your child into school in their PE kit on this day. It is important to have a water bottle and for your child to bring their school jumper on this day.
Water bottles need to be in school everyday, these can be refilled by class staff, please make sure these are named.
Maths homework is given out on a Friday for completion the following Friday.
Please read with your child at least 3 times per week, it is important to speak to your child about their understanding of the book. Year 6 promote "reading for pleasure".
Our focus is the National Curriculum statutory spelling list for years 5 & 6.
Power of Reading Texts for the year:-
Projects for this year
Welcome to term 5
Year 6 are having chocolate cravings in terms 5 & 6. We will be researching all about chocolate through geography, history, art and design & technology subjects.
Our project for terms 3 & 4 is The Terrible Tudors!
Who were the Tudors? The Tudors are one of the most famous families ever to rule England. They first came to power on 22nd August 1485 after Richard III was defeated at the Battle of Bosworth by Henry Tudor. Richard was the last king of England to die in battle and not only signalled the end of the medieval era and the beginning of modern history but the Wars of the Roses had come to an end when Henry VII married Elizabeth of York.
They were in power from 1485 when Henry Tudor was crowned King Henry VII, until the time Queen Elizabeth I died, without an heir, in 1603.
The Terrible Tudors
In English lessons we base all our writing around a book. For term 3 we have chosen a book linked to our project of The Tudors.
The book that we are studying is called - Treason by Berlie Doherty
It is set in England 1539 during the reign of Henry VIII.
When Will's father is accused of treason and thrown into Newgate Prison, he has to go into hiding in the back streets of London. He is befriended by a poor boy, Nick Drew, and together they brave imprisonment and death as they desperately try to gain pardon for Will's father.