Is your child starting school in September 2025? Come and visit us! More information can be found in 'Additional information --> Starting school in September'

Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School

Hope | Believe | Achieve

School Uniform and Suppliers



Girls:                                                                                                   Boys:

Maroon Fleece (ideally with school logo)                          Maroon Fleece (ideally with school logo)

Maroon Sweatshirt/Cardigan (ideally with school logo)    Maroon Sweatshirt (ideally with school logo)

Grey Skirt or Pinafore Dress                                                  Smart Grey or Black Trousers

Smart Grey Trousers, NOT leggings                                      Plain White polo t-shirt (ideally with school logo)

Tailored Grey or Black Shorts (Summer)                               Tailored Grey or Black Shorts (Summer)

(Shorts with tights worn underneath are not acceptable)             Black Shoes (not canvas or trainers)

Plain White polo t-shirt (ideally with school logo)                Black, grey or white socks                                   

Flat Black Shoes (not canvas or trainers)                              Black shoes (not canvas or trainers)

Winter: Plain black boots                                                    

Black, grey or white socks

Grey or black tights                                                               

Red Checked Dress (Summer)


Top Coats/Outerwear:  All pupils will require a warm/waterproof coat, preferably with a hood.


PE Kit (Girls and Boys)


PE T-shirt – (house colour) – your child will be advised what house they are in.

Black shorts

Black Jogging bottoms (winter terms)


Infants (Key Stage 1)- Black plimsolls

Juniors (Key Stage 2): Trainers (outdoor PE only).  Black plimsolls (indoor PE)


Plimsolls are needed for indoor P.E.   Trainers may only be used for outdoor games.   It is essential that children have a full range of clothing for P.E.


PE LESSONSOn the day that your child has their PE lesson, they will need to come to school wearing their PE kit, ready to take part in the lesson.  Children will not be changing from their school uniform into their PE kit in school time.  Parents will be notified which day their child has their PE lesson.


When your child is a pupil in KS2 then he/she will be taking part in swimming lessons as part of the National Curriculum.  At this time, you will be asked to provide a one-piece swimming costume and swim hat for the girls and swimming shorts for the boys, plus a towel.  Goggles are optional.


School uniform is available from:


The School wear Centre, 56 Addington Street, Margate.  Telephone number 01843 293555


Riggers, 139 Northdown Road, Margate.  Telephone number 01843 280900.


Much of the above uniform (without the school logo) can also be purchased from most local large supermarkets that have a clothes department. 


Our school office also hold second hand uniform that can be purchased at a reduced price. 


All clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name.   Items of clothing are frequently handed in as ‘lost property’ and their owners never traced because the clothing has not been marked.   The school cannot be held responsible for any lost property.


