Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School
Hope | Believe | Achieve
The Governing Body at Holy Trinity & St John’s CE (Voluntary Controlled) Primary School comprises of staff, parents and representatives from the Local Authority and the local community all of whom have volunteered their time to support the school. As the school is a voluntary controlled school, the vicar of St John the Baptist Church, is also a member of the governing body. they are appointed by the Canterbury Diocese of Education as they hold the post of the Principle Officiating Minister at St John the Baptist Church, Margate.
The Governing Body has a general responsibility for the leadership of the school. Mr Garratt (Headteacher), Mrs Roberts (Head of School) and Mrs Long (Deputy Headteacher) also sit on the Governing Body, but they are non-voting members. Mr Garratt is responsible for making day-to-day decisions about the running of the school. The Governing Body acts as a “critical friend” to the school and with guidance from the Senior Leadership Team of the school and the Local Authority they have responsibility for:
Our Governing Body meet 6 times per year. In addition to this, there is a separate Resources Committee that meets prior to each Governing Body meeting to discuss in more detial the financial position of the school.
If you would like further information about the role of Governing Bodies and their involvement with the school this can be found on the web site of the Department of Education at www.education.gov.uk
If you would like to contact the governing body, please email clerk@htsj.school or contact our school office.
Chair of Governors
Mr Martin Hyde – appointed to the Governing Body: 10.07.23 Appointed as Chair 21.07.22 - Resources / HT Performance Management
Local Authority Governor
Mr Luke Posnett – appointed 28.04.17 - Quality of Education / Leadership and Management, Christian Ethos and Resources
Foundation Governors
Vacant - Vicar of St Johns - Appointed by Diocese – ex-officio Foundation Governor - Christian Distinctiveness
Emily Whittaker - appointed 01.04.23 - Foundation Governor - Christian Distinctiveness and Health and Safety
Co-opted Governors – Term of Office – 4 years
Mr Martin Hyde
Mrs Stacey Mitchell - appointed 12.10.21 - SEND and Christian Ethos
Mr Joe Manclark - appointed 01.09.23 - Christian Ethos and Headteachers Performance Management
Staff Governors – Term of Office – 4 years
Ms Anna-Maria McLean - Staff Governor - appointed 11.10.22 - Christian Ethos and Website and Online Safety
Parent Governors – Term of Office – 4 years
Mrs Jackie Gillick – Parent Governor appointed 10.10.23 - Safeguarding
Mrs Ana De Miguel Velasco - Parent Governor
Mrs Susan van Schalkwyk - Parent Governor - appointed 09.07.24 - Resources and Governor Training
Mr Rob Garratt (Non Voting)
Clerk to the Governors
Mrs Felicity Stafford
It is important that governors and staff are seen and to act impartially. Governors have a responsibility to avoid any conflict of interest between any business interest, personal interest and affairs and those of the school. Governors have a legal duty to declare any interest that could lead to questions of bias when discussing items of business at a meeting. If necessary, any governor concerned will withdraw from the meeting whilst the matter is discussed.
The governing body is required to establish and maintain a register of interests for all governors and the headteacher. The register will enable governors to demonstrate that in spending public money they do not benefit from any decisions that they make. A copy of the declaration form that all governors sign annually is shown below.
Holy Trinity & St John's CEP School
Register of Interests 2023/2024
Rob | Garratt | Headteacher | N/A | Headteacher Attends all meetings. Responsible for day to day running of the school. Non Voting | Form complete No business interests to report | |
Martin | Hyde | Chair of Governors | Co-Opted | Responsibility for Headteacher Performance Resources Committee Monitoring of website Full voting rights | Form complete No business interests to report | |
Luke | Posnett | Vice Chair of Governors | Local authority | Responsibility for Leadership and Management Quality of Education Resources Committee Full voting rights | Form complete Employee at Sandwich Technology College | |
Vacancy | Parent Governor | |||||
Jackie | Gillick | Parent governor | Parents |
Responsibility for Safeguarding inc. On-line Safety Monitoring of website Full voting rights | Form complete No business interests to report | |
Anna | De Miguel Velasco | Parent Governor | Parents | Responsibility for TBC Full voting rights
| Form complete No business interests to report | |
Susan | Van Schalkwyk | Parent Governor | Parents | Responsibility for Personal Development Resources Committee Governor Training Full voting rights | Form complete Employee of SERCO | |
Stacey | Mitchell | Co-opted Governor | Co-Opted | Responsibility for SEND | Form complete No business interests to report | |
Anna-Maria | McLean | Staff | Staff | Form complete No business interests to report | ||
Vacancy | Ex Offico | Diocese | ||||
Vacancy | Foundation | Diocese |
Governor attendance at meetings is high with any absences having been fully explained and accepted and approved by the governing body. This enables effective challenge and support (as evidenced in meeting minutes.) Good attendance by governors allows discussions and debate to take place with school leaders and in turn the governors are kept fully up to date with what is happening in school and with local and national developments in education.
The level of commitment shown by members of the governing body allows the governing body to operate in an effectual and professional manner.
Governors make regular formal visits to the school to monitor and evaluate the impact of our work. In the past year, these visits have included:
Holy Trinity & St John's CEP School
Governors Attenance Register 2022/2023
Holy Trinity & St John's CEP School
Governor Attendance Register 2022/2023
| FGB 11/10/22 | FGB 13/12/22 | FGB 31/1/23 | FGB 21/3/23 | FGB 23/5/23 | FGB 11/7/23 | Total |
Mr R Garratt - Headteacher | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | 6/6 |
Mr Martin Hydes – Chair of Governors | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | 6/6 |
Mr Luke Posnett – Vice Chair of Governors | ü | A | ü | ü | ü | ü | 5/6 |
Mrs Claire Oduwole Term of Office ended 23 February 2023 Re-appointment being processed.
| A | A | A | A | ü | A | 1/6 |
Rev Dawn Watson Term of Office ended 11/10/22 | ü | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 1/1 |
Mrs Jackie Gillick | ü | A | ü | ü | ü | ü | 5/6 |
Mrs Heather Morris | Virtually | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | 5/6 |
Mrs Susan Van Schalkwyk | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | 6/6 |
Mr Simon Cripps | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | 6/6 |
Mrs Stacey Mitchell | ü | A | ü | A | ü | ü | 4/6 |
Mrs Sharon Harvey Term of Office ended 13/12/22 | ü | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | 1/1 |
Ms Anna Maria McLean | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | 6/6 |
Miss Emily Whittaker Appointed 16/4/23 | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A | ü | ü | 2/2 |
In Attendance: Mrs. Sarah Amos (SBM)
| ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü |
Governance Professional - Miss F Stafford | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü |
Guests: |
Mrs S Roberts | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü | ü |
Mrs S Long |
| ü | ü | ü | ü |
Mrs S Turner | ü |
Mrs K Vanstone | ü |
| ü |