Is your child starting school in September 2025? Come and visit us! More information can be found in 'Additional information --> Starting school in September'

Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School

Hope | Believe | Achieve


Welcome to Kestrel Class


Web Page

On this page you will find information about the staff, the pupils' learning and most importantly;

a celebration of achievements and hard work.


Teacher: Miss Wall

Teaching Assistant: Mr Lowdon

Additional Adult Support: Mr Ryan, Miss Lane(PPA),

Mr Williams(PPA)



If you have any questions or queries do contact us on the emails above, catch myself,

Mr Lowdon or Mr Ryan on the playground at the end of the day or alternatively; telephone the school office to book a meeting or a telephone call.



Kestrel class will be delving into the following topics over this academic year:

  • The Ancient Greeks and Their Legacy (Terms 1 & 2)

          Taking the children through traditions, legacies and the ancient versus modern day Olympics

  • Can You Feel the Force (Terms 3 & 4)

        Everything to do with forces, space and our solar system

  • Sowing the Seed (Terms 5 & 6)

       The world of farming, life-cycles of animals and plants and some opportunities to grow their own produce



P.E. will take place on a FRIDAY this term, until further notice.  Your child will need to come into school wearing their PE kit on this day.


Please make sure that your child has the correct kit in school; black shorts, house t-shirt, black plimsolls for indoors, trainers can be used for outdoor P.E, jogging bottoms may be worn for outside P.E. only. A sweatshirt can be worn when it becomes colder.


Reading/Reading Records

Reading is essential to the learning that takes place in year five.

Your child has been supplied with their reading record book and this needs to be signed each time they read at home.  Please return the reading record everyday for us to see what your child is reading and reward their housepoints.


Our expectation is for each child to read a minimum of 4 times a week.  Each read is rewarded with a housepoint and a maximum of 7 housepoints can be earned each week.


Please encourage your child to read a variety of books, magazines, newspapers.  They can also read online using our subscription to myON and their unique login (see the link below).


Every time your child finishes a book, it is important they use AR (Accelerated Reader) to take a quiz - this will earn them possible prizes, increase their reading age and work their way through the reading level certificates! (see the link below - pupils will need their login details)


Power of Reading

We will be using the following texts to support our learning within the Power of Reading


Term 1

  • Adventures of Odysseus - Hugh Lupton

Term 2

  • Shackleton's Journey - William Grill
  • Dark Sky Park - Phillip Gross (poetry)

Term 3

  • Corey's Rock - Sita Brahmachari and Jane Ray

Term 4

  • Tales from the Caribbean - Trish Cooke
  • Dark Sky Park - Phillip Gross (poetry continued)

Term 5

  • The Savage - David Almond

Term 6

  • The Suffragette -
  • Dark Sky Park - Phillip Gross (poetry continued)



We follow White Rose Maths sequencing for the teaching of mathematics.  Below is the overview for each term and the concepts to be taught according to the year 5 National Curriculum for maths.


Maths Yearly Overview


We will be setting homework each week for all the children in year 5.  This is set on a Tuesday and due in the following Monday.  Pupils will be required to use their yellow homework books to complete this and hand these back each week.  Homework participation will be monitored; do let us know if you have any problems and we can support your child with this in school.


For Project homework, the children will have a selection of activities that they can complete across the term.  House-points will be rewarded for all aspects of homework completed each week.

The homework sheets will also be emailed to you each week


Year 5 and 6 Spelling List

The above is a list of words that children in year 5 & 6 need to understand the meanings of, spell correctly and use within their writing.  Your child should have brought a copy of these words home to work through with you over the year.  Please let us know if you do not have access to this and we will provide you with another copy.


A list of websites to help support your child's learning.
