Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School
Hope | Believe | Achieve
We are excited to announce that from September, our school meals will be provided by Nourish. Nourish offer a new fantastic menu. The children will have the choice of two main courses, one being a vegetarian option, jacket potatoes and a selection of puddings, biscuits, fruit and yogurts. For further information please visit their website: http://www.nourishcontractcatering.co.uk
If your child is under five, ordering school milk is as easy as 1, 2, Free! 1. Register your child online at https://www.coolmilk.com/register or pick up a registration form from reception and return it to FREEPOST COOL MILK (no other details required). 2. If you register before a Tuesday, your child will start receiving milk from the following week. 3. Your child will start to gain all the nutritional benefits from a daily serving of chilled milk in the classroom. If your child is over five, you can order your child’s school milk in just 3 simple steps 1. Register your child online at www.coolmilk.com/register or pick up a registration form from reception and return it to FREEPOST COOL MILK (no other details required). 2. Milk usually costs around just £15 a term. By registering online, you’ll be able to make a payment straightaway. If however, you return a registration form by post we will send you a payment request. If your payment is received by a Tuesday, your child will receive milk the following week. 3. Your child will start to gain all the nutritional benefits from a daily serving of chilled milk in the classroom.