Is your child starting school in September 2025? Come and visit us! More information can be found in 'Additional information --> Starting school in September'

Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School

Hope | Believe | Achieve

Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 


Kestrel Class Teacher - Miss Taylor 

Kestrel Class TA- Miss Perry 


Osprey Class Teacher - Miss Embleton

Osprey Class TA - Mrs Barker 


Other adults - Mr Turner and Mr Williams 

Please email the above if you have any queries and the Year 5 team will get back to you.


Important Reminders 


Terms 1 and 2 - PE will be on a Friday Afternoon.


Water bottles to be sent in and labelled with names. 


Jumpers and coats need to be named. This makes it easier when locating missing items. 


Children should be reading at least 3 times a week, this needs to be recorded in your child's reading record. 


Homework - Sent on a Tuesday, due the following Monday. Please complete this sheet with your child. If you need any support with this, then ask your child's class teacher.





Term 3 Newsletter

Term 1 Newsletter


Year 5 Maths overview

TTRS (Times Table Rockstars)

Pupils can enhance their multiplication tables knowledge through accessing TTRS.  We recommend a minimum of 10 minutes everyday for children to complete their heatmaps of fluency and speed.  These are vital to all our mathematical learning across the curriculum.


Pupils with rise up the rankings with their speed and there are in-house competitions set every week to earn house points, class and individual prizes.  The best part is it's fun too!

Meet the teacher September 2024

Yearly Overview

Osprey Science - Term 1 

Art Term 1

Science Term 2

Bridges - Term 3
