“I know the plans I have for you says the Lord...plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29 v11

Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School

Hope | Believe | Achieve


Welcome to Robin Class


Teacher - Miss Taylor

Teaching assistant- Miss Perry

Important Reminders


PE for Year 3 is on a Thursday. Please send your child into school in their PE kit on this day. It is important to have a water bottle and for your child to bring their school jumper on this day. 


Water bottles need to be in school everyday, these can be refilled by class staff, please make sure these are named. 


Homework is sent home on a Friday and needs to be returned by Wednesday. Your child will receive 2HP each week for completed homework. 


Please read with your child at least 3 times per week, it is important to speak to your child about their understanding of the book. 


Spellings will be sent home on a Friday, please help your child practice these at home.

Maths overview 2023-2024

Term 5 overview



Maths- fractions, mass and capacity

English- Marcy and the riddle of the sphinx

Science- light

DT- Egyptian scrolls

History- Egyptians

RE- Kingdom of God

Music- enjoying improvisation

RHE- money matters

ICT- creating media

French- I can

PE- invade, evade, capture

Term 4 overview


Maths- length and perimeter, mass and capacity, fractions

English- The King Who Banned The Dark

Science- Animals including humans

DT- Smart wearables

Geography- Why do people live near volcanoes?

RE- Sikhi

Music- more musical style

RHE- digital wellbeing 

ICT- data information

French- Little red riding hood 

PE- react, roll, retrieve




Term 3 overview


Maths- Multiplication and division, length and perimeter

English- The Green Ship

Science- Plants

DT- Eating Seasonally

RE- Sikhi

Music- Compose using your own imagination

RHE- Be yourself

ICT- Sequencing sounds

French- Animals

PE- Strike, react, rally

Term 2 overview


Maths- Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division

English- Into The Forest, Caribbean Dozen

Geography- Settlements

Science- Forces

DT- Pneumatic Toys

RE- Incarnation

Music- Playing in a band

RHE- Britain

ICT- Creating Media

French- Core vocabulary  

PE- Inspire, Create and Perform



Term 1 overview


Maths- Place value, addition and subtraction

English- In Our Hands, The Tin Forest

History- Stone, Iron and Bronze Ages

Science- Rocks

Art- Prehistoric paintings 

DT- Construct a castle

RE- People of God

Music- Writing down Music

RHE- Team

ICT- Systems and networks

French- I am learning French

Introduction to Year 3- Meet the teacher power point
