Holy Trinity and St John's Church of England Primary School
Hope | Believe | Achieve
Welcome to Year 4
Kingfisher Class
2022-2023 Class Page
Adults in Kingfisher Class
Teachers: Mrs Oxley
Teaching Assistant: Miss Harrall
Contact: kingfisher@htsj.school / year4@htsj.school
Please do not hesitate to contact us face-to-face, via the phone or email.
We will use this page to showcase the children's learning journey throughout the year, we hope you enjoy!
Home support:
Children will be given the opportunity to earn raffle tickets by: reading, good work, good Behaviour for Learning, passing times tables and spellings tests.
These are the three exciting Projects for year 4:
· All around America
· A step through History
· Oceans and Coasts
Our science topics for this year are:
- Sound
- States of Matter
- Electricity
- Living things and their Habitats
- Animals including Humans
Term 1 and 2
Over the first two terms of the year, we have been learning about North and South America.
In term one we learnt about North American. We used maps to locate the different countries within North America as well as identifying the different states within the United States of America. We also found out about the first settlers in America as well as the Native Americans. We created beautiful dreamcatchers and learnt about the special celebrations that take place each year.
In term two, we learnt about the different countries that are found in South America. Our focus for the term was the Amazon Rainforest and River. The children had lots of fun learning about the different animals that are found there and created information videos about the dangers those animals are facing due to deforestation.