Holy Trinity & St. John’s CEP School
Transfer to Secondary School 2017
Dear Year 6 Parents/Carers,
I hope all is well.
As you are probably aware, the application process for secondary school admissions is now open. Please find some important reminders below:
- Closing date for applications is 31st October 2016.
- Applications can be made online at www.kent.gov.uk/ola .
- Visit all schools you are interested in before completing the form. Consider the schools’ admission rules to gauge how likely it is that you will get a place.
- Ensure that you put down four choices in order of preference. If you only put 1 or 2 and you don’t get one of those schools you could be allocated a school you do not want.
- Only put a Grammar school as a choice if your child sat the PESE test. It is advised to put Secondary schools as your first and second choices if your child has not passed the test. You can still appeal to a Grammar school even if your child doesn’t pass the test if the Grammar school is one of your four choices. PESE results will be posted to parents on the 13th October but will also be available online on the 13th as well.
- Offers of school places will be sent out on 1st March 2017. There is an appeal process should you not be happy with the school your child has been allocated but the majority of children get their first or second choice. We can advise and support you if you wish to make an appeal.
Having been through this process myself three times as a parent, I understand how stressful and difficult it can be. Please choose carefully and ensure that your application is made on time.
Please refer to the ‘2017 Transfer to Secondary School’ booklet distributed recently for further clarification or feel free to contact us should you need any further advice or assistance.
Good luck!!
Yours sincerely,
D. Short
Head Teacher